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Certificate of Appreciation for the Effort to Implement HIV/AIDS Responses in the Workplace in 2014
December 2, 2014
Phnom Penh: On November 27, 2014 evening, ACLEDA Bank has received a Certificate of Appreciation from Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training for its effort to implement HIV/AIDS responses in the workplace in 2014.
The certificates were awarded to 72 enterprises/institutions and 52 ACLEDA Bank’s branches for their effort to implement HIV/AIDS responses in the workplace in 2014.
ACLEDA Bank has committed itself to continually fighting all the spread of epidemics, especially HIV/AIDS as we have nominated a committee for the responsibility and support of the bank staff who are suffering from HIV/AIDS. Healthy and safe working implementation is a part of the training provided to all ACLEDA Bank's employees under the doctor's supervision.
Moreover, it'll be significant if all institutions contribute to prevent the spread of those epidemics as our country won't lose human resources or spend much money on medical treatment.