Cash Withdrawal via ACLEDA mobile (cardless)
- 1. Please click on any button or ATM screen to start
- 2. Select language
3. Select "Cash Withdrawal via ACLEDA mobile" menu
- 4. Enter the registered phone number of ACLEDA mobile
- 5. Press "Yes" button
- 6. Enter your ACLEDA mobile's PIN
- 7. Press "Yes" button
8. Select currency
9. Select withdrawal amount or choose "Other" to enter the amount
- 9.1. Enter withdrawal amount
- 9.2. Press "Yes" button
10. Choose an account for withdrawal
- 11. Enter OPT number sent to your phone
- 12. Press "Yes" button
- 13. Please take your cash
- *** Cash will be retracted automatically within 15 seconds. In this case, please contact 015 666 444 to take your money from ATM