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How to request payment (Pay Me)

verifiedHave you ever used this PAY ME function? PAY ME is a special function for receiving money from ACLEDA mobile or all banks.

I. Requester/Receiver
  1. 1. Open "ACLEDA mobile" app
  2. 2. Select "PAY ME" menu
3. Use Touch ID, Facial, or enter PIN to login
  1. 4. Select wallet account (USD or KHR) to receive money
  2. 5. Enter the requested amount
  3. 6. Enter payment remark
  4. 7. Press "OK" button
  1. 8. Enter mobile phone number of payer
  2. 9. Choose "REQUEST PAYMENT"
  3. save_altYou can save this QR code for sending to payer
  4. Or you can redosend link to payer
  1. 10.1. In cash the payer's phone number is registered ACLEDA mobile
  2. 10.2. Press "OK" button
II. Payer Using ACLEDA mobile
  1. 1.1. The payer will receive a notification on this payment request
  2. 1.2. Press on the notification
  1. 2. If you know the requester, please choose "Pay Now" button
  2. If you don't know this requester, please choose "Block" button
3. Use Touch ID, Facial, or enter PIN to login
  1. 4.1. Select debit account
  2. 4.2. Enter payment remark
  3. 4.3. Then "Slide to pay" to confirm payment
  4. If you don't know this requester, please choose "Delete" or "Block" button
  5. The bank's staff will never contact you to request this payment transaction
5. Payment was completed
  1. 10.2.1 In cash the payer's phone number is not registered ACLEDA mobile
  2. 10.2.2. Press "OK" bottom
11. Share this payment link to the payer/receiver
12. Receiver press on that link
  1. 13.1. Download and register ACLEDA mobile
  2. 13.2. After register successfully, the payer have to deposit or transfer money to his/her account
  3. 13.3. Choose the payment link again to make payment
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