
Corporate Banking

How to use ACLEDA Authentication and Hard Token

How to activate ACLEDA Authentication

  1. Download ACLEDA Authentication in App Store or Google Play
  2. Open ACLEDA Authentication app
  3. Choose "Create one"
  4. Choose "SKIP" button
  5. Enter "User ID", "E-mail", and "Phone number"
  6. Choose "SUBMIT" button
  7. Enter verification code sent to your mobile phone or e-mail
  8. Choose "VERIFY" button
  9. Enter PIN and confirm PIN for using with this ACLEDA Authentication
  10. Choose "SUBMIT" button
  11. ACLEDA Authentication registered successfully

How to use ACLEDA Authentication (Push Notification) 

  1. Login ACLEDA Internet Banking
  2. You will see push notification of ACLEDA Authentication on your mobile phone
  3. Press on the notification to open ACLEDA Authentication app
  4. Verify UserID and enter PIN
  5. Press "LOGIN" button
  6. Choose "Yes, it's me" button

How to use ACLEDA Authentication (Scan QR) 

  1. Login ACLEDA Internet Banking
  2. Choose "Scan QR" button
  3. Open ACLEDA Authentication app in your phone
  4. Enter User ID and PIN
  5. Choose "LOGIN" button
  6. Choose "Scan QR" button
  7. Scan QR and choose "Yes, it's me" button

How to use Web Token 

  1. Login ACLEDA Internet Banking
  2. Enter User ID and PIN
  3. Choose "LOGIN" button
  4. Select "Web Token" and click on the link "Please click here to register Web Token on this browser" to activate web token
  5. Fill in the Web Token Registration's form (input email and phone number, the same as in the registration of ACLEDA Internet Banking)
  6. Click "Submit" button
  7. Enter "Registration Code", sent to your email, and then input new 4-digit PIN
  8. Click "Submit" button
  9. Web Token has been activated successfully, click "OK" button
  10. Please enter PIN you set in step 7
  11. Click "Verify" button

How to change default token

  1. Login ACLEDA Internet Banking
  2. Choose profile icon on the top right hand
  3. Choose "Setting"
  4. Select Default Authentication
  5. Press check button

How to use Hard Token to check OTP 

  1. Check your Hard Token device
  2. Enter this OTP in ACLEDA Internet Banking
  3. Press "Verify" button