
Retail Banking

Batch Overseas Fund Transfer

Make Transaction

  1. Login ACLEDA Internet Banking
  2. Press "Home" menu
  3. Choose "Overseas Fund Transfer"
  4. Select "Batch Upload" button
  5. Click "Form Download" button to download sample Excel file to prepare information for uploading
  6. Input information and upload the Excel file
  7. Press check Submit
  8. Verify your transaction
  9. Press check Confirm
  10. Confirm your transaction via Hard Token or ACLEDA Authentication App or Web Token
  11. Your transaction is completed and waiting bank's approval

Sample Excel file for uploading 

  1. No.: Enter numbering
  2. Transfer Currency: Enter transfer currency
  3. Transfer Amount: Enter transfer amount
  4. Fee By: Select debit fee
  5. Purpose: Enter transfer purpose (max. 300 characters)
  6. Intermediary Bank Name: Enter the intermediary bank name (if any)
  7. Intermediary Bank Swift Code: Enter the intermediary bank's Swift code (if any)
  8. Intermediary Bank Address: Enter address of the intermediary bank (if any)
  9. Beneficiary Bank Name: Enter the recipient's bank name
  10. Swift Code: Enter Swift Code
  11. Beneficiary Bank Address: Enter address of the beneficiary bank
  12. Code Type: Enter code type (if any)
  13. Code: Enter code (if any)
  14. Country: Enter the recipient country
  15. Beneficiary Account Name: Enter the recipient's account name
  16. Beneficiary Account No. / IBAN: Enter the recipient's account number
  17. Beneficiary Address: Enter the recipient's address
  18. Beneficiary Telephone No.: Enter the recipient's phone number (if any)
  19. Financial Relationship: Select financial relationship between sender and receiver