Retail Banking
NSSF Contribution Payment
- Login ACLEDA Internet Banking
- Press "Home" menu
- Choose "Bill Payment"
- Select "NSSF"
- Select NSSF type (Self-Employed, Voluntary Pension, and Enterprise)
- Input information
- Press check Submit
- Verify your transaction
- Press check Confirm
- Confirm your transaction via Hard Token or ACLEDA Authentication App or Web Token
- Your transaction is completed
Sample form for inputting information
- Select debit account
- Input Consumer ID
- Self-Employed or Voluntary Pension: enter NSSF's card number 14 digits, including minus (-) sign (xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx)
- Enterprise: enter company's id that provided by NSSF
- Payment amount will be displayed automatically
check_circle Payment of NSSF Self-Employed and Voluntary Pension from 01st to 15th each month.