
Corporate Banking

Package payment


  1. Login ACLEDA Internet Banking
  2. Press menu menu
  3. Choose "Payment Services" menu
  4. Select "Package Payment"
  5. Input information and upload payment list (you can download this sample list from Download Format at the top right hand)
  6. Press check button
  7. Verify your transaction
  8. Press check button again
  9. Confirm your transaction via Hard Token or ACLEDA Authentication App or Web Token
  10. Your transaction is completed and waiting approval


  1. Login ACLEDA Internet Banking
  2. Press menu menu
  3. Choose "Payment Services" menu
  4. Select "Package Payment"
  5. Choose "Pending Lists"
  6. Check payment transaction (see the picture below)
  7. Press check button
  8. Click "OK" button to confirm
  9. Confirm your transaction via Hard Token or ACLEDA Authentication App or Web Token
  10. Your transaction is completed

check_circle You also can Authorize batch transactions.