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Company Name CAMGSM Plc.
Inception Year 1996
Industry Classification Telecommunication Type of Listed Shares Class A Voting Shares
No. of Listed Shares 1,959,271,206 Code KH1000220009
Symbol CGSM Listing Date June 27, 2023
Website www.cellcard.com.kh No. of Staffs 564 employees

CAMGSM Plc. (the Company) and its wholly owned subsidiaries are the companies established in the Kingdom of Cambodia under the Law on Foreign Investment. The Company was formed on 20 April 1996. The Company is wholly owned by Royal Millicom Co., Ltd (RMC) with its principal office at 246 H-I Monivong Boulevard, Phnom Penh. The principal activities of the company are to (a) Install and operate any and all equipment and machinery used in connection with the operation of the mobile cellular telephone network in the entire Kingdom of Cambodia and all products which are ancillary, complementary, or component parts of such equipment; and (b) Market and sell any telecommunications product and/or service of CAMGSM.

Launched in 1997, CAMGSM is Cambodia's longest-serving and only 100% Cambodian-owned operator, reputed for its long history of first-to-market innovations, outstanding customer service, and the fastest, most reliable mobile network. Considered as one of the biggest telecom companies in Cambodia, CAMGSM services over four million customers with nationwide coverage and an extensive distribution network. The following are the key milestones of the Company:

  • Introduced the first prepaid service name CELLcard in 1998
  • Introduced first mobile payments service, Cellcard Cash in 2010
  • Won Asia's Best Employer Brand Award 2012, 2013,2014,2015,2016
  • Made it to Silicon Review's 50 Most Valuable Brands in 2021
  • Won International Business Magazine Award for 2022 Best Esports and Arcade Games Platform on the back of Playgame Unlimited in 2022
Board of Directors (As of 27 June 2023) Title
1. Neak Oknha Kith Meng Chairman
2. Mr. William Mark Hanna Non-Executive Director
3. Mr. Paul Carey Clements Non-Executive Director
4. Mr. Christopher Donald Tiffin Non-Executive Director
5. Ms. Hep Seka Independent Director
Substantial Shareholder %Shares
1. Royal Milicom Co., Ltd 98.53%
2. Neak Oknha Kith Meng 0.99%

Dividend Policy

As an incentive to the public investors, an annual guaranteed dividend yield of 7% to the shareholders who are the CAMGSM's customers and non-resident of Class A voting shares has been adopted. For the avoidance of doubt, Class B voting shares holders and Class A voting shares holders who are not CAMGSM's customers and resident shall not be entitled to the minimum guaranteed dividend. The shareholders who are the CAMGSM's customers and non-resident of Class A voting shares shall be guaranteed an annual dividend yield of 7%, of the total number of shares held as of the day immediately preceding the ex-dividend date multiplied by the initial public offering price for the period of 5 years, payable quarterly (both cash/ non-cash dividend), effective after a 3-month period from listing date. After 5 years of minimum guaranteed dividend, all types of Class A voting shareholders are entitled to dividend declared by the shareholders of CAMGSM without any restriction for shareholders who are not CAMGSM's customers and resident.

IPO Information
IPO Price (KHR) 2,270
Par Value (KHR) 300
No. of listed shares 1,959,271,206
No. of new issued shares 9,271,206
1st trading date June 27, 2023
1st closing price (KHR) 2,360
Underwriter SBI Royal Securities Plc.
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