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DBD Engineering Plc. 

Inception Year 1995
Industry Classification Construction and Engineering
Type of Listed Shares Voting Shares
No. of Listed Shares 6,461,538
Code KH1000150008
Symbol DBDE
Listing Date Sep 06, 2021
No. of Staffs 833 employees
Website www.dbdengineering.com

DBD Engineering Plc. was founded in 1995, which makes it one of the oldest multifaceted Engineering & Construction company in Cambodia. DBD provides design, construction, installation, and maintenance services to scores of reputed national and international companies. DBD has an excellent track record of providing high-quality products and services and has achieved an exceptional level of client satisfaction.

The Company believes that its multinational, professional, and highly skilled staff is its main asset. DBD also has a strong Service and Maintenance team to ensure that new buildings or installations remain in top condition. The Company is expanding this division to include plant and equipment maintenance. Besides construction, installation and maintenance work, DBD's project division represents many prestigious brands such as Schneider, Franklin France, Daikin, Ginde, LG, Mitsubishi, Kumwell, EVT, Tsurumi Pump and YAZAKI cable.

Business highlights

DBD takes pride in the timely completion of projects and the quality of the workmanship, which has satisfied clients in prestigious projects such as Laboratoire d’analyse médicale de la Fondation Bio Mérieux (France), Phnom Penh International Airport, the Centre de Cardiologie, Ajinomoto Factory, Minibea Factory, YAZAKI (Cambodia Arrow Product), AEON Mall 1 & 2, NIKKO KINZOKU, MIKASA, ROHTO , B-Quik, Artnature, HANA, DENSO, Hieneken Factory, Bodaiju, Liwayway Food & Industry factory, Institute Pasteur du Cambodge, NorthBridge, Mega Label and Don Bosco School.

Board of Directors Title
Mr. Neang Vithy Chairman and Managing Director
Mrs. Lim Muyly Executive Director and CFO
Mr. Huy Vatharo Independent Director
Mr. Thai Vantha Non-Executive Director

Substantial Shareholders

Substantial Shareholder % Shares

Note: Substantial shareholders: shareholders holding ≥5% of listed shares

Dividend Policy

Dividends, which are deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors, shall be allocated to the shareholders. A whole or a portion of cash or non-cash dividends may be allocated. Procedure regarding the distribution of dividends shall be in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

As an incentive to the public investors, the BOD of DBD has adopted the dividend policy with the annual guaranteed dividend yield of 5.5% to the holders of Class A voting shares. For the avoidance of doubt, holders of Class B voting shares shall not be entitled to the minimum guaranteed dividend.


IPO Information
IPO Price (KHR) 2,380
Par Value (KHR) 1,000
No. of listed shares 6,461,538
No. of issued shares 6,461,538
1st trading date Sep 06, 2021
1st closing price (KHR) 2,440
Underwriter SBI Royal Securities Plc.,
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