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Mengly J. Quach Education 

Inception Year 2005
Industry Classification Education Type of Listed Shares Voting Shares
No. of Listed Shares 324,059,527 Code KH1000210000
Symbol MJQE Listing Date June 28, 2023
Website www.mjqeducation.edu.kh No. of Staffs 2,005 employees

MJQ Education was incorporated as a private limited company under the Law on Commercial Enterprises of Cambodia. We are one of the leading private education institutions in Cambodia. We are principally engaged in the provision of comprehensive educational services including preschool and grade 12 under AIS, languages (English, Chinese and Thai), specialized training, and teacher training under AII. We also provide oversea study support services under our SOGO program as well as online learning under i-Learn. Our emphasis on providing quality education, high-standard supporting services and learning and teaching facilities and above all our longstanding reputation are among our key strengths that set us apart from our competitors.

AIS's market share has been on the uptrend in tandem with the opening of new campuses. In 2021, AIS had 7,668 enrolments, giving us an estimated market share of 6.54%, improved from 5.88% in 2020. AIS market share is expected to grow as we capture new locations. Furthermore, the Company's successful penetration in Siem Reap and Takeo are highly encouraging for a huge potential in major provinces. Our key milestones include;

  • AIS students won 1st place in the "National Exhibition Contest" conducted at Bak Touk high school in 2007
  • Awarded the "Education Partnership Leader" by Worlddidac in 2015
  • Awarded by MoEYS certificate of appreciation for excellence in management, education, administration, quality of teaching and best environment in Academic Year 2015-2016
  • Become an official member of the AmCham, EuroCham and Britcham in 2022
Board of Directors (As of 28 June 2023) Title
1. Neak Oknha Dr. Quach Mengly Executive Chairman
2. Mr. Quach Alex Executive Director
3. Mr. Quach Paul Executive Director
4. Lok Chumteav Ung Lyhong Executive Director
5. Mr. Kong Vara Independent Director
Substantial Shareholder %Shares
1. Neak Oknha Dr. Quach Mengly 67.847%
2. Mr. Quach Alex 14.538%
3. Mr. Quach Paul 14.538%

Dividend Policy

Subject to dividend declaration restriction under applicable law, all holders of the Company's Shares are entitled to dividends to be declared and paid out by the Company. It is the intention of the Board in recommending dividends to allow shareholders to participate in our profits, as well as to retain adequate reserves for our future growth. The dividend that our Board may recommend or declare in respect of any particular financial year or period will depend on the factors outlined below as well as any other factors deem relevant by our Board. We will, inter alia, take into account various factors as set out below to determine the level of dividend payment: (i) our level of cash and retained earnings; (ii) our historical and expected financial performance; (iii) our projected levels of capital expenditures and other investment plans; (iv) our working capital requirements; and (v) any contractual restrictions and/or commitments.

For dividends in respect of the FYE 2023 and FYE 2024 only ("Dividend Guaranteed Period"), the Company hereby guarantees to declare and distribute a dividend of USD 0.0306 per share at the IPO price ("Guaranteed Dividend"). The Controlling Interest Shareholders have individually agreed and undertaken to the Company to waive and renounce the right to the Guaranteed Dividend and agree to a dividend that is to be proposed by the Board and approved by shareholders.

IPO Information
IPO Price (KHR) 2,080
Par Value (KHR) 200
No. of listed shares 324,059,527
No. of new issued shares 3,959,527
1st trading date June 28, 2023
1st closing price (KHR) 2,200
Underwriter RHB Securities (Cambodia) Plc.
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