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2nd Quarterly Financial Statements 2013 of ACLEDA Bank Plc.

Unconsolidated Income Statement (Unaudited)

For the period: April — June 2013

  Total (1st + 2nd Quarter)
2nd Quarter
Interest income 108,290,052 55,726,047
Interest expense (24,440,844) (12,982,591)
Net interest income 83,849,209 42,743,456
Provision for loan losses (2,773,093) (1,143,994)
Net interest income after provision for loan losses 81,076,115 41,599,461
Fee and commission income 12,674,528 6,237,540
Fee and commission expense (285,778) (169,458)
Net fee and commission income 12,388,750 6,068,082
Other incomes 2,567,319 1,735,826
Personnel expenses (32,372,414) (16,803,947)
Administrative and operating expenses (12,831,867) (7,128,086)
Depreciation (2,867,838) (1,547,351)
Amortisation (1,027,550) (573,783)
  (46,532,351) (24,317,341)
Profit before income tax 46,932,515 23,350,203
Income tax expenses (9,386,503) (4,670,041)
Net profit for the period 37,546,012 18,680,162

Unconsolidated Balance Sheet (Unaudited)

As at June 30, 2013

  2nd Quarter
Cash on hand 115,545,844
Balances with the Central Bank 421,927,426
Balances with other banks 155,811,337
Loans and advances to customers 1,388,171,035
Other assets 21,103,755
Investment in subsidiaries 21,934,749
Property and equipment 37,078,879
Intangible assets 9,697,789
Deferred tax assets 7,980,964
Other investments 153,529
Total assets 2,179,405,305
Due to other banks 126,668,665
Deposits from customers 1,464,741,314
Other liabilities (*) 60,309,294
Borrowings 70,112,999
Subordinated debts 111,075,080
Provision for income tax 8,282,358
Employee benefits 8,246,373
Total liabilities 1,849,436,084
Share capital 185,671,857
General reserves 106,751,353
Retained earnings 37,546,012
Total equities 329,969,222
Total liabilities and equities 2,179,405,305

Note: (*) Other Liabilities included General Provision for Loan.

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