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Phnom Penh Autonomous Port (PPAP) 

Inception Year 1905
Industry Classification Port Service
Type of Listed Shares Voting Shares
No. of Listed Shares 20,684,365
Code KH1000040001
Symbol PPAP
Listing Date 09-Dec-2015
No. of Staffs 560 employees
Website www.ppap.com.kh

PPAP is one of the two international ports in Cambodia and is the largest river port operator and port authority within the Port Commercial Zone. The Port Commercial Zone is 160 km long, stretching from Thbong KhmomProvince to the border of Cambodia-Vietnam at Kaom Samnor.

In 2015, PPAP obtained the exclusive right as the port operator within the Port Commercial Zone. PPAP operates 4 main terminals: 1-Container Terminal (LM17), 2-Multi-purpose Terminal (TS3), 3-Passenger Terminal (TS1), and 4-Tonle Bet Terminal (UM2).

Board of Directors Title
H.E. Hei Bavy Chairman and CEO
H.E. Suon Rachana Member (Rep. of Ministry of Public Works and Transportation)
H.E. Ken Sambath Member (Rep. of Ministry of Economy & Finance)
H.E. Penn Sovicheat Member (Rep. of Ministry of Commerce)
Mr. Gui Anvanith Member (Independent Director)
Mrs. Chuon Sokhem Member (Rep. of Employees of PPAP)
Mr. Dith Sochal Member (Non-Executive Director, Rep. of Private Shareholders)

Substantial Shareholders

Substantial Shareholder % Shares
Ministry of Economy and Finance 80%
Mekong Strategic Infrastructure Ltd 5.95%

Note: Substantial shareholders: shareholders holding ≥5% of listed shares.

Dividend Policy

The minimum guaranteed dividend yield is 5% of IPO price (KHR 5,120) applicable for at least 5 years after listing and only available for the shareholders of Class A (Voting) shares.

Following approval of the annual financial statement by the Board of Directors, if there is profit, the Board of Directors of PPAP can decide to distribute the profit to:

  1. Settle payment for the loss of the previous fiscal year;
  2. After settling payment for the loss of the previous fiscal year, and if there is still profit, the Board of Directors may distribute the profit as follows:
    • Appreciation to the management and employees according to the following conditions:
      • In case the net profit remains from 5% to 10% of the total operating expense of PPAP in that year, the amount to show appreciation is equivalent to 1 month of the total annual average salary of the management and each employee; salary of the management and each employee.
      • In case the net profit remains from 10% to 20% of the total operating expense of PPAP in that year, the amount of the bonus is equivalent to 2 months of the total annual average salary of the management and each employee;
      • In case net profit remains at a rate exceeding 20% of the total operating expense of PPAP in that year, the amount to show appreciation is equivalent to 3 months of the total annual average salary of the management and each employee.
    • Creation of 5% [of net profit] for legal reserve and 5% of net profit for free reserve;
    • 5% of profit for Corporate Social Responsibility [fund] which will be recorded as expense in the fiscal year when the operating expense is incurred;
    • Profit remaining after the above distribution shall be distributed as dividend to the shareholders according to the resolution of the Board of Directors;
    • The final remaining profit shall be transferred into the development fund of PPAP.


IPO Information
IPO Price (KHR) 5,120
Par Value (KHR) 4,000
No. of listed shares 20,684,365
No. of issued shares 4,136,873
1st trading date 9-Dec-2015
1st closing price (KHR) 5,140
Underwriter Yuanta Securities (Cambodia) Plc.

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