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Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (PPSEZ) 

Inception Year 2006
Industry Classification SEZ Developer
Type of Listed Shares Voting Shares
No. of Listed Shares 71,875,000
Code KH1000050000
Symbol PPSP
Listing Date 30-May-2016
No. of Staffs 96 employees
Website www.ppsez.com

Phnom Penh SEZ, Plc ("PPSP") are the developer and operator of Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone ("PPSEZ") and Poipet PPSEZ ("Poipet PPSEZ").

Receiving the approval as a developer of a multi-product SEZ from the Royal Government of Cambodia on 19 April 2006, PPSEZ is currently operating and managing SEZ in the proximity of Phnom Penh, with the main purpose of developing industrial land for sale/lease. In addition, as an operator, it is also involved in supplying other relevant services and facilities within PPSEZ such as wastewater treatment, supply and distribution of treated water, rental service, infrastructure maintenance, advisory service and administration support, security services, independent power production and dry port services to the zone tenants and zone investor of PPSEZ. PPSEZ retained the highest number of zone investors among all the 34 approved SEZs in Cambodia and is one of the largest SEZs in Cambodia by land size with measuring of approximately 357.32 HA.

Board of Directors Title
L. Oknha Lim Chhiv Ho Non-Executive Chairman
Mr. Hiroshi Uematsu Executive Director and CEO
Mr. Tan Kak Khun Non-Executive Director
Ms. Tan Soeun Muoy Non-Executive Director
Mr. Hiroshi Otsubo Non-Executive Director
Mr. Kenji Toyota Non-Executive Director
Mr. Tanate Piriyothinkul Non-Executive Director
Mr. Kang Wei Geih Independent Director
Mr. Hem Sovath Independent Director

Substantial Shareholders

Substantial Shareholder % Shares
Madam. Lim Chhiv Ho 56.00%
ZEPHYR CO., LTD 17.60%

Note: Substantial shareholders: shareholders holding ≥5% of listed shares.

Dividend Policy

The Board has adopted the profit plough back policy, for the FY 2015 and onwards, according to which the ability to pay dividends or make other form of distributions to shareholders will depend upon a number of factors, including but not limited as the following:

  • The financial position including cash flow and liquidity position, gearing and surplus of group;
  • The expected financial performance including profitability condition of the group;
  • The availability of the working capital including funds allocation for capital expenditures and future investment plans of the group; and
  • The existing and future debt obligations and interest expenses of the group.

Following consideration as stated in points (i) to (iv) above, the company targets a dividend payout ratio of not less than 20% of consolidated profit attributable to the company's equity holders under the guidance of CIFRS. Investors should note that this dividend policy merely describes the company's present intention and shall not constitute legally binding statements in respect to its future dividends that are subject to modification (including non-declaration thereof) at the Board's discretion.


IPO Information
IPO Price (KHR) 2,860
Par Value (KHR) 2,000
No. of listed shares 71,875,000
No. of issued shares 25,575,000
1st trading date 30-May-2016
1st closing price (KHR) 2,890
Underwriter 1. SBI Royal Securities Plc.
2. Campu Securities Plc.
3. Cana Securities Ltd.

Investment Dash Board

Trading Statistic 2015 2016 2017
Market Cap. (Mil KHR) - 165,523 163,208
Last Price - 2,860 2,820
Year High - 2,920 3,120
Year Low - 2,490 2,610
Value/day (Mil KHR) - 13.09 21.63
Turnover Ratio - 8.45% 31.97%

Investment Dash Board

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