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Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) 

Inception Year 1895
Industry Classification [006101] Water Utilities
Type of Listed Shares Common Shares
No. of Listed Shares 86,973,162
Code KH1000010004
Symbol PWSA (រទសភ)
Listing Date 18-Apr-2012
No. of Staffs 1,033 employees
Website www.ppwsa.com.kh

PPWSA was established in the form of a Public Establishment having Economic Vocation under the law on General Statutes of Public Enterprise. It was found in 1895. Currently, it had 851 employees. On 18th April 2012, PPWSA was officially listed in CSX by issuing its ordinary shares of 13,045,975 shares, equivalent to 15% of its total ordinary shares.

PPWSA is committed to the sustainable development of its treated water supply services, as well as providing services as a consultant and facilitator in order to ensure people in the other cities and provinces of Cambodia to have access to treated water. PPWSA is also committed to assisting other developing countries to supply treated water to their people.

Board of Directors Title
H.E. Soem Nara Chairman (Rep. of Ministry of Industry & Handicraft)
H.E. Sim Sitha Member (PPWSA Director General)
H.E. Mey Vann Member (Rep. of Ministry of Economy & Finance)
H.E. Nuon Pharath Member (Rep. of Phnom Penh Municipality)
Mr. Long Naro Member (Rep. of PPSWA Employees)
Mr. Zhang Yun Feng Member (Non-Executive Director, Rep. of Private Shareholders)
Mr. Om Sengbora Member (Independent Director)

The mission of PPWSA is to ensure the supply of treated water 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, with adequate water pressure and at a reasonable price to the people in Phnom Penh and the urban areas of the Kandal province adjacent to Phnom Penh whilst also considering the needs of those people living in poverty. In addition, PPWSA has been sharing its experience with some provincial water authorities in the kingdom of Cambodia, as well as in the region and the rest of the world.

Substantial Shareholder % Shares
Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) 85.00%

Note: Substantial shareholders: shareholders holding ≥5% of listed shares.

Dividend Policy

After approving the accounting, if having profit, the Board of Directors of the PPWSA may decide to transfer money for:

  1. Settlement of loss of the previous year;
  2. After settlement of loss of the previous year, if there is still any profit left, the board of Directors may use the profit for:
    • Giving allocation to Management and employees as follows:
      • In case the profit is from 5% to 10% of total annual operational expenses of the PPWSA, the allocation shall be equal to 01 month of net salary to management and each employee.
      • In case the profit is from 10% to 20% of total annual operational expenses of the PPWSA, the allocation shall be equal to 02 months of net salary to management and each employee.
      • In case the profit is more than 20% of total annual operational expenses of the PPWSA, the allocation shall be equal to 03 months of net salary to management and each employee.
    • 2% of retirement benefit for the professional disabilities.
    • Creating mandatory reserve: 5%
    • Creating voluntary reserve: 5%
    • 5% for social fund shall be recorded as expenses in the year of transaction.
  3. After the above allocation, the remaining profits shall be:
    • Kept for investment reserve as approved by the Board of Directors.
    • The remainder of the investment reserve shall be distributed 85% to the Ministry of Economy and Finance and 15% to shareholders who are public investors.


IPO Information
IPO Price (KHR) 6,300
Par Value (KHR) 1,000
No. of listed shares 86,973,162
No. of issued shares 13,045,975
1st trading date 18-Apr-2012
1st closing price (KHR) 9,300
Underwriter TONGYANG Securities (Cambodia) Plc.
Now, Yuanta Securities (Cambodia) Plc.

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