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Certificate of Appreciation for the Effort to Implement HIV/AIDS Responses in the Workplace in 2015
November 5, 2015
On November 2, 2015, ACLEDA Bank has received a Certificate of Appreciation from Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training for its effort to implement HIV/AIDS responses in the workplace in 2015.
The certificates were awarded to 162 enterprises/institutions, including ACLEDA Bank's Headquarters and its 44 branches for their effort to implement HIV/AIDS responses in the workplace in 2015.
Seeing the significance of eliminating the spread of epidemics, especially HIV/AIDS, ACLEDA Bank has participated and continues to participate actively in the fight against vicious epidemics by having nominated a committee for the responsibility and support of the Bank staff who are suffering from HIV/AIDS.
Moreover, ACLEDA Bank has medicines, patient and consultation rooms under a doctor's supervision and two nurses as well.