Bank Profile
Facts & Figures
The various facets of ACLEDA Bank Plc. This link provides key information about us such as brief overview, history, management, shareholders, taxation...
Corporate Social Responsibility
ACLEDA Bank's corporate culture is built on respect for the society in which we operate and an inclusive perspective on our...
Sustainability Report 2024
The commitment of ACLEDA Bank toward leading sustainability bank.
Credit Ratings
ACLEDA Bank is the first bank in Cambodia that assigned ratings by the top international ratings agencies — Standard & Poor's and GIIRS.
Annual Reports
This report contains data, facts and figures relating to our previous financial year. Also included are the annual financial statements and management report of ACLEDA Bank to the Shareholders, and a list of Board Members and Executive Management Members.
Our Headquarters New Building
ACLEDA Bank Plc. Headquarters New Building, addressed Building N° 61, Preah Monivong Blvd., Sangkat Srah Chak, Khan Doun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Commercial Bank Licence
The National Bank of Cambodia allows ACLEDA BANK PLC. to carry out operations as commercial bank with head office at Building N° 61, Preah Monivong Blvd., Sangkat Srah Chak, Khan Doun Penh, Phnom Penh.
Awards & Recognitions
From this link you can find ACLEDA Bank's awards & recognitions which are listed in chronological order.
From this link, you can download ACLEDA Bank's policies.
Financial Institutions / Correspondent Banking
We are committed towards facilitating optimum commercial opportunities for our clients and counterparts by offering the broadest range of ACLEDA Bank Plc.'s financial products and services.
Our Performances
From this link you can see our latest performances.