Never enter your card number, password, or any personal details on websites/apps you don't trust. Be especially careful with online shopping sites that seem suspicious.

Fraudulent websites/apps can steal your card information, putting you at risk. Always make sure a website/app is legitimate and secure before making any purchases or sharing sensitive information.

To prevent from unauthorized access to your accounts and applications, please DO NOT share your account and sensitive information or install unknown applications on your phone.

The scammers often impersonate employees to trick you into clicking links or installing apps, gaining control of your phone for unauthorized transactions. Stay vigilant and follow safety tips to prevent yourself from fraud. Please find these tips at the following link.

Dear customers and the public! Please beware of scammers who always try to contact you by all means and claim that you receive money from the use of the bank's services or mobile app and posing as a bank employee without showing their identities or sources to entice you to provide your account number, account balance, password, or OTP number, etc. for fraudulent purposes.

Your personal account information is confidential and important; therefore, please do not share it with others. In case of you have any questions or doubts, please directly contact the bank via the official phone number 023 994 444, 015 999 233 or our official social network.

*** ACLEDA Bank's staff will not contact you to ask for your account number, password/PIN/OTP number or other personal information. We will never ask you to conduct transaction in any form as well.

Dear customers and the public! Please beware of scammers attempting to distort and fake bank logos in order to entice investors to invest with high returns.

Therefore, please kindly be informed and be careful with all these transactions and activities to avoid falling into deception of investment or trading in unsafe financial instruments, which may lead to losses or damage. Thanks.

Beware of phishing scams via SMS or E-mail to steal sensitive data related to your bank account. DON'T click any links or respond if you receive an urgent request for your personal information to unlock your account, verify your identity, or confirm account details.

Please be aware that ACLEDA Bank will not contact you to ask for your account information or other personal information via SMS, e-mail, or phone. Read more...

Zero Tolerance Statement

The Bank develops and adopts an industry-wide set of customer protection principles and its credit related staffs are regularly trained on how to make credit assessment, debt collection, code of conduct, lending guidelines, E&S impacts assessment and the mandatory course on responsible lending, etc. Read more...

Beware of online scams, especially applications that sell low-cost products that may contain a new Trojan malware.

The scammers published infected applications on websites that resemble the official application stores, so scammers often ask users to download from their websites (unknown publisher).

Therefore, to avoid this scam, please immediately remove those unknown publisher applications from your phone and do not make any payment transaction with those applications. On the other hand, please Deny or Uninstall if any application is required to have full control of your device. Read more...

Beware of phishing scams via Call, SMS, E-mail, Telegram, or other social networks to steal sensitive data related to your bank account, password/PIN, or OTP.

DON'T click any links or respond if you receive an urgent request for your personal information to unlock your account, verify your identity, or confirm account details.

Please read the article on personal security knowledge/awareness on how to avoid and prevent these phishing scams.

ជម្រាបជូនអតិថិជន និងសាធារណជន ជាទីគោរព! សូមមេត្តាប្រុងប្រយ័ត្នជនឆបោកតាមមធ្យោបាយអេឡិចត្រូនិក និងរូបភាពផ្សេងៗ ដូចជាការបន្លំធ្វើជាថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំ បុគ្គលិកធនាគារ ឬបុគ្គលល្បីឈ្មោះណាមួយ រួចផ្ញើសារបញ្ចុះបញ្ចូល ឱ្យអតិថិជនផ្ទេរប្រាក់ទៅឱ្យពួកគេ ដើម្បីជាថ្នូរទទួលបាននូវរង្វាន់ ឬអត្ថប្រយោជន៍ផ្សេងៗ។ សូមអតិថិជន និងសាធារណជនទាំងអស់ មេត្តាប្រុងប្រយ័ត្ន និងទទួលជ្រាបជាព័ត៌មាន។ សូមអរគុណ។
Dear customers and public! Please be careful of money scams from some crypto-related platforms, such as PAYEER, have been using the name of ACLEDA Bank without authorization and have announced its collaboration in form of payments, deposits and withdrawals of investment in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Crypto wallets.

ACLEDA Bank denies this advertisement and confirm no affiliation with PAYEER or any cooperation in payments or trading in cryptocurrencies.

Please be careful with all these transactions and activities to avoid falling into deception, investment, or trading in unsafe financial instruments, which may lead to losses or damage.

We would like to inform all customers and the public that the images below are fake information. Please be careful and informed. Thank you.
The bank staff never call you asking for Password/PIN/OTP number. These Password/PIN/OTP number are your personal and confidential information, so DOT NOT give these numbers to anyone, even if the person claims to be a bank staff.


ACLEDA Bank Plc. would like to inform all customers and the public that the Bank serves the customers and public through ACLEDA mobile, ATM machine and the Bank's counters only.

The Bank has no deposit collection or loan repayment services through Credit Officer or any employee. The customers and public shall be prudent and avoid from being cheated by some cheaters and report to relevant competent authorities in case of need.

Please kindly use digital and self service banking through mobile (ACLEDA mobile) 24 hours / 7 days for keeping safe.

If costumers and/or public have any doubt, please contact to Call Centre (24 hours per day and 7 days per week) through phone number: 023 994 444 or 015 999 233. Thanks!

ONLINE VISITOR: 360 ©2025 ACLEDA Bank Plc.

ACLEDA Bank Plc. - Credentials