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VISA Debit/Credit Card 

Credit Card

Debit Card

Credit Gold Card

Debit Gold Card

Credit Platinum Card

Debit Platinum Card


Your smart choice of payment worldwide. ACLEDA VISA Card is a secure card which designed with the high-end layer of security recognized by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), and provide security for customers using their banking services.

You can conveniently use ACLEDA VISA Card to make withdrawals through any ATM and payments via any POS throughout Cambodia and around the world where the VISA or VISA Plus logo is displayed.

ACLEDA VISA Card is an alternative tool of payment that can be used for all kinds of transactions, from daily shopping to online transactions.

ACLEDA VISA Card is added the most secure technology by requiring to enter One Time Password (OTP) [1] that is sent to your registered mobile phone number via SMS [2] (it also can be used with Soft Token [3] or Hard Token [4]) when making online payments (e-commerce).

ACLEDA Bank's VISA Card has two types:

How to Apply


Special Offers from Visa Cards
warningFor credit card, not charge the interest (pay for goods/services) until the 12th day of each month if you pay back to the Bank before this due date. In contrast, interest rate on the balance will be charged from the payment date onwards.

Special Benefits of VISA Platinum 


Travel Insurance

  • Travel insurance (one time per year) with up to USD250,000 and other more benefits from our partner, Forte Insurance.
  • To get this benefit, customer have to send passport, airline ticket and telephone number to samayta@forteinsurance.com within three working days before departure. For more information, please contact: +855 78 555 223



Currency type is available in US dollar. If you make withdrawal or payment via ACLEDA VISA Card in other currency, the system will convert it automatically based on the VISA's exchange rate at the time of settlement.

Requirements (for Credit Card) 

  • Be a majority;
  • Have identity card, passport, family book, or any valid documents;
  • Have a permanent address in Cambodia;
  • Have any collateral (land, building, deposit account, or guarantee letter etc.);
  • Have a proper work, salary or any sufficient income and good reputation or good credit payment history and guarantor; if not having any collateral.

Fee & Transaction Limit 

Effective from August 15, 2024

Fee per card (USD) Classic Gold Platinum
Issuing Free Free Free
Annual fee      
Debit card 6 66 250 (i)
Credit card 12 (i) 24 (i) 250 (i)
Cash withdrawal via ACLEDA ATM in Cambodia      
Debit card Free Free (ii) Free (ii)
Credit card 1 2 3
Top up via ACLEDA ATM Free Free Free
Transfer within ACLEDA Bank via ACLEDA ATM in Cambodia      
Debit card Free Free Free
Credit card N/A N/A N/A
Transfer money to other bank's Visa in Cambodia and overseas 4.50 4.50 4.50
Cash withdrawal via ACLEDA ATM in Laos 2 (iii) 2 (iii) 2 (iii)
Cash withdrawal via other bank's ATM in Cambodia 4 4 4
Cash advance via other bank's POS in Cambodia 4 4+0.5% 4+0.5%
Cash withdrawal via other bank's ATM/POS overseas 4+1% 4+1% 4+1%
Card replacement (damage/lost before expired date) 6 6 6
Refund overseas transaction 2.60% 2.60% 2.60%

i. Including SMS alert of card transactions.
ii. Charge 0.05% on surplus amount greater than US$10,000
iii. Charge US$4 for cash withdrawal via ACLEDA ATM in Lao with amount greater than US$6,000 (classic debit card), amound greater than US$10,000 (gold, platinum, or world debit card) and US$1,500 (credit card).
For transactions on other bank's ATM/POS, according to other bank's policy.

*** Some fees above may be subject to exchange rate markup if the transaction is made in different currency.

warningFees and Transaction Limit in our website are quoted for indication purpose only and subject to variation. Please contact our nearest branch or our Call Center for our services requirements and more information.


  1. One Time Password (OTP): It is a password used for only one transaction and will be expired within 60 seconds. It does not require to remember. This OTP is required to enter when making online payments with websites that have the sign "Verified by VISA".
  2. SMS Token: OTP is generated and sent to your registered mobile phone number. So please contact the Bank to update your phone number if any change.
  3. Soft Token: It is an application installed on your smart phone when registering and it is used to generate OTP in your phone.
  4. Hard Token: It is a tool used to generate and display OTP.

Do you want QR Code (KHQR) or POS for your business?

Please fill our form here and we will contact you and prepare these payment facilities for you. You can request ACLEDA Bank's QR code (KHQR) or POS terminal for your business.

Apply Now

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