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Battambang Provincial Branch Moves to New Location
April 1, 2016
To provide the most comfortable and efficient facilities for our customers and public to conduct their financial transactions, we are delighted to announce that ACLEDA Bank's Battambang Provincial Branch is relocated to Street 3, Kamakar Village, Sangkat Svay Por, Krong Battambang, Battambang Province, Cambodia.
We are now ready to serve you for all banking services from now onwards.
This new building is built as ACLEDA Bank's standard branches with four and a half stories high with large working and serving space for security, fire prevention, energy reserve etc.
This is a remarkable achievement in Battambang Provincial Branch during this year and shows the strength and ongoing improvement in serving best financial services rapidly, reliably, and safely to meet the needs of all customers.
For further information, please contact:
Mr. NHOEUK Saran, Vice President & Branch Manager
Tel: +855 (0)12 900 103, +855 (0)15 900 228
Mr. KIM Bunna, Assistant Vice President & Manager of Marketing Officer
Tel: +855 (0)15 900 642
Address: Street 3, Kamakar Village, Sangkat Svay Por, Krong Battambang, Battambang Province, Cambodia.
P.O. Box: 1149
Tel: +855 (0)53 953 171 / 953 172 / 953 174 / 953 175, +855 (0)15 900 229