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ACLEDA Bank Among Top 100 ASEAN Banks
April 11, 2016
According to the ranking list of The Banker Database, ACLEDA Bank was the only bank in Cambodia getting the ranking of Top 100 ASEAN Banks. The ranking of The Banker Database bases on Tier 1 capital, total assets, and pretax profit (profit before income tax) at the end of 2014.
The Tier 1 capital of ACLEDA Bank in 2014 was US$423 million and 2015 was US$538 million. Total assets in 2014 was US$3,139.77 and 2015 was US$3,885.96 million, whereas the profit before income tax of ACLEDA Bank in 2014 was US$102.01 million and 2015 was US$132.59 million.
The Banker Database was created as part of The Banker magazine's regular rankings of the world's largest banks. Over the past five decades our rankings have become the industry standard for measuring bank performance strength.