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The Official Announcement Ceremony of Obtaining Authorization as a Government Bond Intermediary of ACLEDA BANK PLC.
February 28, 2025
Phnom Penh, on Friday afternoon on February 28, 2025, ACLEDA BANK PLC. ("ACLEDA BANK") — the first commercial bank listed its securities in Cambodia — officially announced today that Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia (SERC) collaborated with ACLEDA BANK to conduct "The Official Announcement Ceremony of Obtaining Authorization as a Government Bond Intermediary of ACLEDA BANK PLC. and a Seminar on Potential and Opportunities of Investing in Government Bond".
The Official Announcement Ceremony and Seminar were celebrated under the highest presidency of H.E. Sou Socheat, Delegation of Royal Government in charge as Director General of the SERC, H.E. Long Vibunrith, Deputy Director General of Central Banking Operation of the NBC, Mr. Khim Fadané, Deputy Director General Department of International Cooperation and Debt Management of the MoEF, and Dr. In Channy, President & Group Managing Director of ACLEDA BANK as well as attended by His/Her Excellencies, Oknha, ladies, gentlemen, representatives of ministries and institutions, and national and international distinguished guests.
H.E. Sou Socheat, said "Government securities is an important financial instrument for the Royal Government to mobilize domestic and foreign financing from the private sector for economic and social development. Government securities issued by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the representative of the Government of Cambodia, are considered zero-risk assets. Non-banking investors can participate in bidding and trading government securities through government securities intermediaries, with ACLEDA Bank Plc. being the first bank to be authorized by the SERC to act as government securities intermediary. He added that "Investing in government securities means invest for yourself and for the national society!".
Dr. In Channy, President & Group Managing Director of ACLEDA BANK, said that "ACLEDA BANK absolutely appreciates the authorization as a Government Bond Intermediary in securities sector from the SERC in order to serve the investors in both local and overseas who wish to invest and/or trade the Government Bond in Cambodia via ACLEDA BANK, which is another option for the secured and beneficial investment. Furthermore, the investment in the Government Bond is a crucial contribution to the development of national economy.
In this significant opportunity, the MoEF, the NBC, and the SERC also collaborate with ACLEDA BANK to conduct a seminar on "Potential and Opportunities of Investing in Government Bond" to promote and enhance the further awareness on the Government Bond Investment.
Throughout the Seminar, the investors, customers, and public will gain knowledge of the investment in the Government Bond via the guest speakers who are the representatives of MoEF and ACLEDA BANK."
ACLEDA BANK, has 4 subsidiaries including ACLEDA University of Business Co., Ltd., ACLEDA Securities Plc., ACLEDA Bank Lao Ltd., and ACLEDA MFI Myanmar Co., Ltd. as well as a representative office in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
By the end of December 2024, ACLEDA BANK had US$10.83 billion in total assets and US$8.36 billion in total savings deposits with over 5.52 million customers.
Currently, ACLEDA BANK had more than 0.53 million business partners and 4.44 million subscribers for ACLEDA Super App.
Mr. Yin Virak, Group Chief Treasury Officer
Tel: 015 900 511
Ms. Buth Bunseyha, Senior Group Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary (Disclosure Officer)
Tel: 015 600 532
Mr. Siya Malida, Head of Securities & Trust Operations Centre
Tel: 015 600 738