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Third Anniversary of Sustainable and Long-Term Strategic Partnership Between ACLEDA Bank and Prudential

January 08, 2016


On January 08, 2016 evening, ACLEDA Bank Plc. and Prudential Cambodia Life Assurance celebrated three years of strategic partnership.

In the anniversary, Dr. IN Channy, President & Group Managing Director of ACLEDA Bank Plc. expressed his thanks to customers who bought a life insurance from Prudential Cambodia and expressed enthusiasm for a huge achievement with the quality financial services in responding to the needs of our mutual customers.

"It's been almost four years already that ACLEDA Bank and Prudential has been in partnership together in bringing world class financial services to Cambodia market as well as our mutual value customers nationwide. This strong partnership has brought success to all stakeholders, especially to our mutual and long term customers. Within these periods, the customers and our team have learned the true value and benefits of the financial services provided by Prudential to the public. They have realized that life insurance products/services obviously have provided a lot more than what they have expected, for instance, in 2015, Prudential paid out all its claims within good turnaround time, including the claims to the families of deceased ACLEDA Bank's staff. The payments of claims further signify the importance of life insurance to them all. The families of the deceased and/ or the claimants themselves remain in our prayers, which they have shared their satisfactory with us to Prudential and thank them for their services available for them that they have looked up for long time already," said Dr. In Channy.

He continued, "We started selling and refer life insurance service with 33 locations and the top 6 branches and office locations got awarded with 06 President's Clubs respectively in the second year. For the second year anniversary, we have expanded to 80 locations and 17 President's Clubs have been awarded to the top 17 locations. For the third year which we are celebrating tonight, we have expanded to 95 locations and we have top 20 locations for President's Clubs 2015. For 2016, we have very special criteria of President's Club to encourage all branches get outstanding performance and we hope more branches will be achieved and get awarded in fourth year!"

"To our strategic partnership, the success of our customers is our mutual success since we all have grown and continue to grow with our mutual customers. Because of this mutual success, we have decided to expand our strong bond relationship to the next level of strategic partnership so that we together could address and respond to the need of our mutual customers better by making these life insurance products/services accessible throughout the country through our entire branch and office network in coming years to the public at large that equally need these financial services," he added.

"Tonight we are not only celebrate the success of our partnership alone, but we all celebrate the great success of our achievement of our respective value business entities which are substantially contributed by the partnership integrally bring the NPAT of ACLEDA Bank Plc reached more than US$100 million and the total assets more than US$3.8 billion by the end of December, 2015," he said.

Dr. In Channy addressed, "I, on behalf of ACLEDA Bank Plc., would like to take this opportunity to congratulation our faithful strategic partner Prudential for our great achievement of 2015, and thank Prudential for being great partner to ACLEDA Bank."

"I wish our sustainable and long-term strategic partnership with even greater achievement and success for this year and the following years to come!"

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