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Custody Services in Securities Sector


Are you an investor who wants to invest in the Cambodia Securities Exchange?

ACLEDA Bank Plc. as an agent to provide the custodian services to manage and safeguard your cash and securities as requirements.

ACLEDA Bank Plc. also as an agent to provide the brokerage service for subscription of Government Bond in Cambodia. Read more...

Investors wishing to invest in securities in the Cambodia Securities Exchange, please contact ACLEDA Bank Plc. to open cash custody account and securities custody account in accordance with ACLEDA Bank Plc.'s procedure.


Features Custody Account

Cash Custody Account

  • It is a demand deposit account that you can open in Khmer Riel or US Dollar at ACLEDA Bank Plc. and deposit at counter or transfer money directly to this account.
  • This account is used for securities trading purpose and supporting settlement on securities trading transactions.

Fees of Custoday Account and Other Services

No. Type Domestic investor (individual/corporate) Foreign investor (individual/corporate) Frequency Criteria
1 Account setup/opening Free Free One time Account opening fee is free for both accounts, Cash Custody Account & Securities Custody Account
2 Account maintenance KHR20,000 / USD5 KHR20,000 / USD5 Monthly Account maintenance per account
3 Segregated accounts See No. 2 See No. 2 Monthly Typically applied if a customer requires many segregated accounts, like a few hundred.
4 Settlement transaction 1 bps on total security price, min. KHR40,000 / USD10 1 bps on total security price, min. KHR40,000 / USD10 Collected at transaction date Applied when a custodian handles a settlement transaction of corporate bond/government bond/stock buy-sell and calculate based on total securities price.
e.g. a buy is considered 1 transaction, 1 bps (0.01%) per transaction of $1,000,000 = (0.0001*1,000,000)=$100
5 Core custody on asset servicing 10 bps p.a. 10 bps p.a. Collected at month end Asset servicing fees are typically charged based on month end value of the total portfolio.
e.g. 10 bps (0.10%) p.a. of $1,000,000 portfolio = (0.001*$1,000,000)/12 = $83.34 per month or $1,000 p.a.
6 Out of pocket N/A N/A - -
7 SWIFT account statement message - USD40 per message/month Monthly Send account statement message
8 SWIFT MT5xx/MT1xx - Applied to overseas Fund Transfer fee table Collected at transaction date Payment message
9 ACLEDA Internet Banking (IB) Applied to IB fee table Applied to IB fee table - ACLEDA Internet Banking
10 Other firms fee or third parties (CSX, CSD, SERC, securities firm, etc.) As billed by CSX As billed by CSX Collected at settlement date e.g. Rate for stock buy-sell is 47 bps, and rate for bond buy-sell is 21 bps; Applied when a custodian handles a transaction and calculate based on total securities price, a buy is considered 1 transaction, transaction of $1,000,000 = (0.0047 * 1,000,000) = $4,700.00 or (0.0021 * 1,000,000) = $2,100


contact_supportPlease contact our nearest branch or our Call Center (24/7): 023 994 444, 015 999 233 for our services requirements and more information.

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